Pack 40 Fundraisers

  • Cub Scouts Pack 40 Color Fun Run Fundraiser

    Participants will receive color run sunglasses and a popsicle treat at the end of the race.

    What is a color fun run?
    A fundraising event where racers will run approximately 20 minutes around a small track. Runners are showered with a colored powder at the end of the race.

    What to expect?
    Participants will run/walk as many laps as they can. Laps are smaller and the race will last for 20 minutes.

    What to wear?
    Participants are encouraged to wear white shirts that you are comfortable getting colorful. We will be marking how many laps are completed on the back of each shirt. Wear comfy running shoes.

    How do participants register?
    - RSVP via Pack 40 eVite
    - Pay $25 entry fee per participant to the Pack 40 Zelle or Pack 40 Venmo (please include participants name with payment)
    - Open to scouts and friends!

    How to pledge?
    Friends and family can help support their runner by pledging:
    - Pledge a flat fee: any amount payable with cash or check payable to Cub Scouts Pack 40 (turn in the day of the race to Pack 40 Treasurer) or to pack zelle/venmo
    - Pledge per lap: lap tallies will be provided at the end of the race. Participants will notify pledgers of their number of laps completed and collect funds.