Pack 40 Hiking Club

The Pack 40 Hiking Club hikes monthly!

Each cub scout will receive a hiking passport on their first hike and can collect passport stickers after completing a hike. If you miss out on collecting your sticker, find your hike below, print it out, and add it to your book. Cub Scout Pack 40 hikes occur in Santa Clarita, on the Pacific Crest Trail and other various locations.

Find out about upcoming hikes on the Band App, eVite or EVENTS page.

  • Mentryville Ghost Town

    Completed October 20, 2024

  • Treasure Hunt Hike

    Completed September 14, 2024

  • Pacific Crest Trail

    Completed June 30, 2024

  • May the 4th - Vasquez

    Completed May 4, 204

  • Placerita Twilight Hike

    Completed April 20, 2024

  • East Walker Loop Trail

    Completed March 17, 2024